You find yourself down West Synth. The smog is heavy and the damp musky alley smells of rotted neuro-augments. That and the sprawling homeless cyberstrays wishing for death but clinging to a sliver of hope for the better are not something foreign to you. In fact, you were born on streets just like this. Still, waiting here is far from pleasant. Your aid is running late; you were supposed to meet here at the rendezvous. You roll a nat-20 for perception and notice the cyberstrays are moving strangely. Stranger than normal. Worthless as cyberstrays may be, they are still human but this, this is something other. Something disturbingly mechanical and rigid. One tries to grab at your feet, but you smoothly evade its grasp. You roll a nat-20: a critical hit. With practiced ease, in one motion, the cyberstray falls apart in two clean cut halves. The rest start to rise. Now rolling for intimidation, you get… yet another nat-20. Well, scary as the face and bellow you let out are, the mangled husks do not seem to care much for your attempt to deter them. On the contrary, they seem much more active than the first one and their movements are sporadic and unpredictable. Rolling for initiative you get a… nat-20. In going first, you attempt to slash at the nearest cyberstray, rolling a surprising nat-20. It’s dead. You killed it. You’re really good at this. Upon further closer inspection of your trusty 20-sided die, you are soon struck by a random lightning bolt. Two in fact. What are the chances.